Latihan Soal Listening Part IV Monologue

Inilah bagian terakhir soal listening SMA, MA dan juga SMK. Kalau Soal listening SMK, bagian trakhir ini disebut short – talk. Keduanya mempunyai maksud yang sama yaitu pernyataan tentang suatu hal bisa berupa cerita narrative, atau tata cara procedure text, atau sebuh paparan report text, bahkan juga sangat sering soal listening ini berupa penjelasan kenapa dan bagaimana explanation text.

Perlu diketahui bahwa soal listening bahasa Inggris itu dibagi menjadi 4 bagian sebagaimana berikut:

  • Part I Dialogues and Questions. Bagian pertama bisa kita pelajari lebih lanjut DISINI yang berupa percakapan pendek dan diikuti dengan sebuah pertanyaan.
  • Part II Incomplete Dialogues and Responses. Bagian kedua ini lebih lengkap bisa dilatih DISINI yang berisi sebuah percakapan yang tidak lengkap dan kita diminta mendengarkan  dialog lanjutannya yang cocok.
  • Part III Monologues Describing Picture. Bagian ketiga lebih lanjut dipelajari  DISINI yang berupa sebuah monolog agak panjang yang mendeskripsikan suatu objek. Kita diminta memilih gambar yang cocok.
  • Part IV Monologues and Questions. Bagian terakhir dari soal listening inilah yang sedang kita pelajari INI yang berupa monolog panjang dan diikuti 2 buah pertanyaan yang harus kita dengarkan. Pada umumnya 1 monolog panjang diikuti dengan 2 pertanyaan soal pilihan gandi listening.

Baiklah berikut adalah soal listening bahasa Inggris untuk SMA dan MA bagian ke 4 tentang short monolog yang diikuti dengan 2 pertanyaan masing masing. Dengarkan dengan baik monolognya dan jangan lupa mendengarkan juga apa yang ditanyakan

Contoh Soal Listening Bahasa Inggris Part IV Short Monologue Beserta Transcript dan Jawaban

Dengarkan audio dengan seksama jangan lupa juga pertanyaan diakhir monolognya kemudian pilih salah satu yang benar dari 5 alternative jawaban yang tersedia. Setelah dipilih, kalau berwarna hijau berarti benar. Kalau masih belum faham juga, coba baca hint yang berupa transcript dari monolog diatasnya.

Indonesia is developing unmanned submarine technology in the hope of securing the country's vast ocean territory that's an efficient cost. The unmanned submarine called Kalai Dupa. We'll be able to operate at a depth of one hundred and fifty meters. The defense ministry's director for defense industry and technology brigadier general young Peter up today said on Tuesday.
The submarine is made by PT. robo marine Indonesia a technology company based in Bandung West Java. The defense ministry has ordered the defense industry to develop the technology for this unmanned submarine. We have appointed PT robo marine Indonesia. Because the company has skills in this technology young Peter told the Jakarta post.

What is the topic of the monologue.?
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Indonesia is developing unmanned submarine technology in the hope of securing the country's vast ocean territory that's an efficient cost. The unmanned submarine called Kalai Dupa. We'll be able to operate at a depth of one hundred and fifty meters. The defense ministry's director for defense industry and technology brigadier general young Peter up today said on Tuesday.
The submarine is made by PT. robo marine Indonesia a technology company based in Bandung West Java. The defense ministry has ordered the defense industry to develop the technology for this unmanned submarine. We have appointed PT robo marine Indonesia. Because the company has skills in this technology young Peter told the Jakarta post.

Why has robo marine Indonesia been appointed to develop the unmanned submarine?
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Martin "Marty" Cooper (born December 26, 1928) is an American engineer. He is a pioneer and visionary in the wireless communications industry. With eleven patents in the field, he is recognized as an innovator in radio spectrum management. While at Motorola in the 1970s, Cooper conceived the first handheld mobile phone (distinct from the car phone) in 1973 and led the team that developed it and brought it to market in 1983. He is considered the "father of the cell phone" and is also cited as the first person in history to make a handheld cellular phone call in public. Cooper is co-founder of numerous successful communications companies with his wife and business partner Arlene Harris; also known as the "first lady of wireless." He is co-founder and current Chairman of Dyna LLC, in Del Mar, California. Cooper also sits on committees supporting the U.S. Federal Communications Commission and the United States Department of Commerce.

When was the first handled mobile phone conceived by Cooper?
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The Financial Services Authority (OJK) is considering providing a legal basis for Islamic real estate investment trustees (REITs) in the third quarter of 2016, hoping that it will attract more property investors, especially those from the Middle East. OJK deputy director of sharia market Muhammad Touriq said the demand for Islamic REITs would be enormous as Indonesia had many Islamic institutions such as takaful ( Islamic insurance ) companies that need medium-term investment and Middle Eastern investors. "Takaful companies are interested in investing in the REITs, but have failed to do so as the existing REITs are not sharia-compliant. Middle Eastern investors also prefer to invest in property. We’re working on the rule right now. We hope to finish it in the third or fourth quarter this year," he told in Jakarta on Wednesday.

What is the topic of the news?
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The Financial Services Authority (OJK) is considering providing a legal basis for Islamic real estate investment trustees (REITs) in the third quarter of 2016, hoping that it will attract more property investors, especially those from the Middle East. OJK deputy director of sharia market Muhammad Touriq said the demand for Islamic REITs would be enormous as Indonesia had many Islamic institutions such as takaful ( Islamic insurance ) companies that need medium-term investment and Middle Eastern investors. "Takaful companies are interested in investing in the REITs, but have failed to do so as the existing REITs are not sharia-compliant. Middle Eastern investors also prefer to invest in property. We’re working on the rule right now. We hope to finish it in the third or fourth quarter this year," he told in Jakarta on Wednesday.

Why have Takaful companies failed to invest in the REITs?
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On a final afternoon after a heavy rain my friends and I were ready to play basketball against you agents from another school. I felt a bit nervous because I was a freshman and I would play in front of my seniors including my girlfriend.
When my friends and I were arriving at the court. My seniors and the opponent team were already there. Then suddenly ignoring the soil around the court that was still wet from the rain I slipped splash and fell on my boat in full view of everybody. The pain was nothing compared with my embarrassment. I believe the whole court let my name that day what a way of becoming the star of the game.

Why did the speaker feel a bit nervous about the game?
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Martin "Marty" Cooper (born December 26, 1928) is an American engineer. He is a pioneer and visionary in the wireless communications industry. With eleven patents in the field, he is recognized as an innovator in radio spectrum management. While at Motorola in the 1970s, Cooper conceived the first handheld mobile phone (distinct from the car phone) in 1973 and led the team that developed it and brought it to market in 1983. He is considered the "father of the cell phone" and is also cited as the first person in history to make a handheld cellular phone call in public. Cooper is co-founder of numerous successful communications companies with his wife and business partner Arlene Harris; also known as the "first lady of wireless." He is co-founder and current Chairman of Dyna LLC, in Del Mar, California. Cooper also sits on committees supporting the U.S. Federal Communications Commission and the United States Department of Commerce.

Why is Cooper considered the “father of the cell phone”?
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On a final afternoon after a heavy rain my friends and I were ready to play basketball against you agents from another school. I felt a bit nervous because I was a freshman and I would play in front of my seniors including my girlfriend. When my friends and I were arriving at the court. My seniors and the opponent team were already there. Then suddenly ignoring the soil around the court that was still wet from the rain I slipped splash and fell on my boat in full view of everybody. The pain was nothing compared with my embarrassment. I believe the whole court let my name that day what a way of becoming the star of the game.

What is the speaker talking about?
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Begitulah latihan listening bahasa Inggris SMA dan MA bagian short monologue. Kemampuan listening itu bisa diperoleh dengan mudah atas sebuah pembiasaan. Semakin sering mendengarkan bahasa Inggris, juga akan semakin baik dalam memperoleh kemampuan listening skill bahasa Inggris kita.

Latihan Soal Listening Part IV Monologue | englishadmin | 4.5