Pengertian dan Contoh Soal Short Message beserta Jawaban
Salah satu materi short functional text adalaha short message and notice. Inilah 55 contoh soal short message dengan jawabannya. Meski begitu, perlu sekali untuk memeriksa kembali jawaban pertanyaan pertanyaan yang diberikan. Biasanya pelajaran ini adalah bagian dari materi notice kelas 8 di sekolah SMP dan MTs. Pembelajaran bahasa Inggris memang terbagi menjadi tiga hal utama yaity types of text, short functional text, dan transactional interpersonal conversation. Tema untuk pesan pendek ini bisa bervariasa, misalnya pesan untuk teman, pesan pendek untuk orang tua, short message for friend, dan juga contoh short message untuk guru.
Pengertian, Generic Structure, Language Feature, dan Jenis Short Message
Sebelum kita berlatih soal short message, kita bahas dulu apa dan bagaimana pesan pendek ini ditulis dalam bahasa Inggris. Apa itu short notice, bagaimana struktur penulisannya, dan ciri bahasa apa saja yang dipakai dalam sebuah pesan pendek berbahasa Inggris.
Pengertian dan Tujuan Short Message
Short message adalah informasi atau pemberitahuan yang dikirimkan seseorang kepada orang lain baik dengan menuliskannya pada kertas ataupun mengirimnya melalui mobile phone. Dari media yang dipakai ini kemdian kita mengenal istilah SMS. Maksud dari SMS adalah Short Message Service atau juga dikenal dengan sebutan Text Message. Dari pengertian tersebut kita bisa menarik pemahaman bahwaba tujuan dari Short Message adalah untuk mengirim informasi pesan singkat kepada seseorang atau sekelompok orang.
Generic Structure of Short Message
Setiap teks mempunyai tata cara penulisan yang bebeda beda didasarkan pada tujuan ditulisnya sebuah teks. Untuk tulisan short message, beberapa unsur yang harus dipenuh adalah:
1. Receiver: Penerima pesan. Bagian ini penting, jangan sampai ada pesan tapipenerimanya tidak ada. kata yang bisa dipakai seperti Salutation, Dear…., Greetings
2. Contain body: Isi dari pesan yang akan disampaikan. Sesuai dengan namanya short message, maka tulislah pesan dengan kalimat yang singkat dan jelas.
3. Closing: Kalimat penutup seperti see you, thank you.
3. Sender: Pengirim pesan, bagian ini juga penting agar penerima mengetahui sipa pengirimnya
language features of short message
Language Features adalah ciri ciri bahasa yang biasa digunakan pada suatu jenis teks tertentu. Sepertu halanya generic structure, language feature juga akan berbeda antar teks satu dengan teks yang lain. Untuk short message, ciri bahasa yang umum adalah:
1. Menggunakan Simple Present Tense: S+VI+… (I have an OSIS meeting)
2. Menggunakan Past Perfect Tense: S+Have+V III +… (I’ve prepared some food for breakfast)
3. Menggunakan Present Continuous Tense: S+be (am, is, are)+V(ing) (I am waiting the cakes)
4. Menggunakan Imperative Sentence: (Go to…..! Don’t tell…!)
Jenis Short Message dalam Bahasa Inggris
Dilihat dari tujuan dan fungsinya, short message dikelompokkan menjadi beberapa, diantaranya:
Macam Short Message.
1. Short message for picking up (Pesan pendek untuk menjemput seseorang)
Dear Diana,
Please tell my uncle to pick me up at 5 p.m. I have an OSIS meeting after school. Thanks.
2. Short Message to tell something (Pesan pendek untuk mengabarkan sesuatu)
Dear Anita,
Tell Dony that I’ve prepared some food for breakfast. I put it on the refrigerator. Sorry, i have to go to work very early. See you.
3.Short message to order something (Pesan pendek untuk memesan sesuatu)
Good evening Jessica,
I need your help. Please deliver some tart cakes for birthday party tomorrow morning. I’m waiting the cakes before 10 a.m. Thank you.
Mr. Chello
4. Short message to remind someone (Pesan pendek untuk mengingatkan seseorang tentang sesuatu)
Dear Jenny,
Don’t forget 2 bring d book. It’s on d table. Thx
Kumpulan 55 Soal Soal Short Message beserta Arti dan Jawaban
Setelah kita jabarkan fungsi short message, tujuan short message, dan juga unsur kebahasaan teks short message maka sekarang kita liha contoh soalnya. Ingat soal bahasa Inggris itu bisa masuk kategori LOTS (low order thinking skill), MOTS (medium order thinking skill), dan juga HOTS (higher order thinking skill). Untuk belajara model soal yang terkahir ini bisa membaca contoh soal hots bahasa Inggris. Mari berlatih Soal Short Message berikut ini
Teks Soal Short Message 1
Dear Johnathan
Please don’t forget to pick up our son at 12 o’clock at his school. And also don’t forget to take his for lunch, he would love to have some spaghetti and ice cream.
With love, Fumary
Kepada: Johnathan
Tolong jangan lupa menjemput putra kita pada jam 12 di sekolahnya. Dan jugajangan lupa untuk mengambil makan siangnya, dia akan senang memiliki spageti dan es krim.
Dengan cinta, Fumary
1. Who is receive the short message?
a. Johnathan
b. Fumary
c. their son
d. tahie daughter
2. What must Johnathan do?
a. picking up his son
b. picking up Fumary
c. waiting his son
d. meeting Fumary
Teks Soal Short Message 2
From : +62810000000000
Just to inform you that the meeting will be cancelled for tomorrow Mon, May 23 at 10 a.m as the principal will arrive from Singapore tonight.
Dari: +62810000000000
Sekadar memberi tahu bahwa rapat akan dibatalkan untuk besok Senin, Mei tanggal 23 pukul 10 pagi karena kepala sekolah akan tiba dari Singapura malam ini.
3. From the text we know that….
a. the principal was away when the message was sent
b. the sender cannot attend the meeting
c. the principal will wait for the meeting the day
d. the sender was in Singapore when he sent the massage
4. The short message is written to……
a. tell what had happened in the meeting
b. inform the cancellation of a meeting
c. say that the principal won’t come to the meeting
d. inform that the sender has just arrived from Singapore
Teks Soal Short Message 3
Hi, Mom
I am sorry I will come late to home today because I must preparing my TOEFL and having some additional lesson for that.
Hai, Ibu
Saya minta maaf akan pulang terlambat hari ini karena saya harus mempersiapkan TOEFL saya dan ada beberapa pelajaran tambahan.
5. Who is write the message?
a. mother
b. father
c. Nana’s teacher
d. Nana.
6. For whom that message?
a. Nana’s mother.
b. Nana’s father
c. Nana’s teacher
d. Nana
7. Why Nana will come late to home?
a. because she must preparing her TOEFL
b. having meet with some friends.
c. because she is having TOEFL test
d. Because TOEFL is very important
8. When Nana will come late to her house?
a. today.
b. tomorrow.
c. yesterday.
d. the day after tomorrow.
Teks Soal Short Message 4
To: Andino (Chair person of 9 A)
Please forward to others. Due to the long holiday, all students must complete their writing assignment. The assignment must be submitted before September 9th.
Mr. Bakri
Kepada: Andino (Ketua Kelas 9 A)
Mohon disampaikan ke yang lainnya. Karena liburan yang panjang, semua siswa harus menyelesaikan tugas menulisnya. Tugas harus diserahkan sebelum 9 September.
Pak Bakri
9. Based on the message above we know that . . . .
a. the students can submit their assignment on September 9th
b. the message is for all students at school
c. the message is intended for the students of 9 A
d. There are 5 days left to complete the assignment
10. Why does Mr. Bakri send a message to Andino?
a. The students want to have a long holiday
b. The students haven’t submitted their assignment
c. The students will finish their assignment soon
d. Andino, the chair person of 9 A, doesn’t want to have holiday
Teks Soal Short Message 5
To: Liza
Sorry honey, I can’t keep my promise to go with you to the Mall tonight. I’ve to meet Mrs. Cathy at 07.00 pm. Please, don’t be angry.
Kepada: Liza
Maaf sayang, Ibu tidak bisa menepati janji untuk menemani kamu ke Mall malam ini. Ibu harus bertemu Ny. Cathy pada pukul 19.00. Tolong, jangan marah.
11. How is Liza’s mother feel about her promise?
a. Impressed
b. Confused
c. Relieved
d. Guilty
12. Mom writes the text in order to …
a. apologize for not keeping the promise.
b. remind Liza that she has a promise with her.
c. tell Liza that she has to go to the meeting.
d. say that she cannot meet her in the Mall.
Teks Soal Short Message 6
I will be late for dinner. My boss asks me to attend a meeting at 7 pm. I will catch the bus right after the meeting is over. Love you.
Saya akan terlambat untuk makan malam. Bos saya meminta saya untuk menghadiri rapat pada jam 7 malam. Saya akan pulang naik bus sexepatanya setelah rapa selesai. Cinta kamu.
13. Why is the writer late?
a. He is sick
b. He has a party to attend
c. He attends a meeting
d. He already ate dinner
14. How will the writer go home?
a. He will walk
b. He will take a taxi
c. He will ride a car
d. He will take a bus
15. When will the meeting begin?
a. At 7 pm
b. At 7 am
c. At 6.30 pm
d. At 8 am
Teks Soal Short Message 7
To: Mira
Happy 17th birthday, my best friend. I wish you have many other years to celebrate. I hope you like the gift. I know you like to read.
With love: Susan
Untuk: Mira
Selamat ulang tahun ke 17, sahabatku. aKU berharap kamu memiliki tahun tahun untuk merayakannya. Aku harap kamu suka hadiahnya. Aku tahu kamu suka membaca.
Dengan cinta: Susan
16. How old is Mira?
a. 14
b. 15
c. 16
d. 17
17. According to the text, what possible gift did Susan give to Mira?
a. Video game
b. Book
c. Toy car
d. Clothes
Teks Soal Short Message 8
Dear Rini,
I heard you achieved the first position in swimming competition. Congratulations for your achievement! I will come to your house on Sunday. I have something to celebrate your victory. Please tell your mother to prepare my favorite food.
Untuk: Rini,
Saya mendengar kamu dapat juara pertama dalam kompetisi renang. Selamat atas pencapaiannya! Saya akan datang ke rumah kamu pada hari Minggu. Saya punya sesuatu untuk merayakan kemenangan kamu. Tolong beritahu ibumu untuk menyiapkan makanan favorit saya.
18. What competition did Rini win?
a. Running
b. Archery
c. Chess
d. Swimming
19. When will Lita come to Rini’s house?
a. On Sunday
b. On Monday
c. On Tuesday
d. On Saturday
20. What does Lita request to prepare?
a. Her clothes
b. Her favorite books
c. Her favorite food
d. Her toys
Teks Soal Short Message 9
To all students,
Please note the examination will be held on 3rd September, 2018. All students shall bring their own equipment. Dictionary and calculator are not allowed. Examination will start at 8 am until 12 pm. Students must be at school 30 minutes before examination starts. Shall students have any questions, contact your teachers.
Thank you
Untuk Semua Siswa,
Harap dicatat bahwa ujian akan diadakan pada 3 September 2018. Semua siswaharus membawa perlengkapan mereka sendiri. Kamus dan kalkulator tidak diperbolehkan. Ujian akan dimulai pukul 8 pagi sampai 12 siang. Siswa harus berada di sekolah 30 menit sebelum ujian dimulai. Jika ada pertanyaan, hubungi guru kalian.
Terima kasih
Kepala Sekolah
21. According to the text, what are prohibited during the examination?
a. Book and pencil
b. Pencil case and calculator
c. Calculator and book
d. Dictionary and calculator
22. From the text, which statement is true?
a. The examination will be held for 4 hours
b. Students may bring dictionary
c. School will provide equipment for examination
d. Students are permitted to be late.
Teks Soal Short Message 10
To: Dino
I remembered we played in the rain yesterday. Today, you are absent because of fever. Hope you get well soon and we could enjoy playing in the rain again.
Kepada: Dino
Saya ingat kita bermain hujan hujanan kemarin. Hari ini, kamu absen karena demam. Semoga kamu cepat sembuh dan kita bisa bermain di tengah hujan lagi.
23. What is wrong with Dino?
a. He played in the rain
b. He is in hospital now
c. He has a fever
d. He is all right
24. Who didn’t come to school?
a. Binti
b. Dino
c. Father
d. Teacher
Teks Soal Short Message 11
To: Gina
Finally, you did it. You have excelled in your studies at Junior high school and have now been accepted by the best senior high school in your city. Your achievement proves that you are the best. Keep up the good work!
Kepada: Gina
Akhirnya, kamu berhasil. Kamu telah unggul dalam studi kamu di sekolah menengah pertama dan sekarang diterima oleh SMA terbaik di kota kamu. Prestasi kamu membuktikan bahwa kamu adalah yang terbaik. Pertahankan kerja bagus kamu itu!
25. From the text we know that ….
a. Gina is the best student in her city
b. Mira asks Gina to enroll at the senior high school
c. Gina did not pass the examination
d. Gina will study at the best senior high school
26. “Your achievement proves that you are the best.” The word “achievement” means ….
a. Development
b. Success
c. Assessment
d. Process
27. Which of the following is true?
a. Gina didn’t pass the final exam
b. Mira passed the final exam
c. Gina has been accepted in the best senior high school
d. Mira has been accepted in the best senior high school
Teks Soal Short Message 12
Dear, Nasir
How are you? Here is the information you need. The examination will be held soon, starting on 3rd June. Calculator and dictionary are not allowed. Arriving late will not be tolerated. The first day will be Indonesian, the second day will be English, the third day will be Math, and the last day will be Science. Don’t forget to bring your examination card. See you soon. Take care.
Kepada Nasir
Apa kabar? Inilah informasi yang kamu butuhkan. ujian akan diadakan segera, mulai tanggal 3 Juni. Kalkulator dan kamus tidak diizinkan. Tiba terlambat tidak akan ditoleransi. Hari pertama adalah bahasa Indonesia, hari kedua adalah bahasa Inggris, hari ketiga adalah Matematika, dan hari terakhir adalah Sains. Jangan lupa membawa kartu ujiannya. Sampai jumpa lagi. Hati hati.
28. Based on the text, what’s prohibited during the examination?
a. To be punctual
b. To buy a calculator
c. To bring an examination card
d. To use a dictionary in class
29. From the text we can say that ….
a. Nasir does not need any information
b. Nasir should study English for the firs test of the examination
c. Ten minutes late is still tolerated
d. Calculator is prohibited during the examination
Teks Soal Short Message 13
Dear Vani,
Remember, we’ve had an appointment to go swimming, after school. I’ll be waiting for you at home. After having lunch and a nap, please be prepared to go. Don’t forget to bring your swimsuit. We will go there by bicycle.
Untuk: Vani
Ingat, kita punya janji untuk pergi berenang, setelah sekolah. Aku akan menunggumu di rumah. Setelah makan siang dan tidur siang, bersiaplah. Jangan lupa membawa baju renangnya. Kita akan pergi ke sana dengan sepeda.
30. What should they do before going swimming?
a. Make an appointment and prepare everything
b. Have lunch and bring a swimsuit
c. Have a nap and ride a bicycle
d. Have lunch and a nap
31. When will they go swimming?
a. In the morning
b. In the evening
c. In the afternoon
d. At night
32. Where will Rita be waiting for Vani?
a. At school
b. At her home
c. At the swimming pool
d. At Vani’s home
Teks Soal Short Message 14
Dear Mira,
I’m sorry I have to tell you that I can’t come to your house to work on our project as we have planned before. Unexpected thing happens. My grandma must be hospitalized soon. I’ll tell you about our plan later.
Dear Mira,
Maaf saya harus memberi tahu bahwa saya tidak bisa datang ke rumah kamu untuk mengerjakan proyek seperti yang telah kita rencanakan sebelumnya. Hal yang tidak terduga terjadi. Nenek saya harus segera dirawat di rumah sakit. Saya akan memberi tahu tentang rencana kita nanti.
32. From the message above we know that….
a. Dinda and Mira have to work together on their project
b. Dinda’s grandma involves in project
c. Dinda dan her grandma will meet Mira at the hospital
d. Dinda expects Mira to stay in the hospital with her
33. What did Dinda’s purpose to write such kind of message?
a. To tell about her sick grandma
b. To give information about the delay of an activity
c. To ask Mira to work on their project
d. To persuade Mira to change the project
Teks Soal Short Message 15
To : Santi
I’ve just got the news that our grandmother passed away two hours ago. We are going to leave for Purworejo soon to attend the funeral.
Please be here before 7 p.m.
Kepada: Santi
Saya baru saja mendapat kabar bahwa nenek kita meninggal dua jam yang lalu. Kita akan segera pergi ke Purworejo untuk menghadiri pemakaman.
Harap berada di sini sebelum jam 7 malam.
34. What does Tati tell Santi?
a. The death of their grandmother
b. The plan to have a burial ceremony
c. The plan to do it before 7 p.m
d. The ceremony for the death person
Teks Soal Short Message 16
Rani, sorry I can’t come to your house tonight to do the wall magazine project as we have planned. My grandmother has just come and she wants me to accompany her to my aunt’s house. I will meet you at school tomorrow.
Rani, maaf aku tidak bisa datang ke rumahmu malam ini untuk mengerjakan proyek majalah dinding seperti yang kita rencanakan. Nenek saya baru saja datang dan dia ingin saya menemaninya ke rumah bibiku. Aku akan menemuimu di sekolah besok.
35. What is Erika and Rani’s plan?
a. To say sorry
b. To meet Rani’s aunt
c. To accompany her grandmother
d. To do the wall magazine project together
36. From the short message we know that Erika will be . . . tonight.
a. In her grandmother’s house
b. In her aunt’s house
c. In her own house
d. In Rani’s house
Teks Soal Short Message 17
To: Farid
Sorry Farid, I can’t keep my promise to go with you to the dentist this afternoon. I have to meet my client at 01.00 p.m. I have rescheduled the dentist appointment for tomorrow.
Kepada: Farid
Maaf Farid, ayah tidak bisa menepati janji untuk menemani kamu ke dokter gigi sore ini. Ayah harus bertemu klien pada pukul 01:00 malam. Ayah telah menjadwal ulang janji untuk bertemu dokter gigi untuk besok.
Penuh sayang,
37. Farid’s dad writes the message in order to …
a. Apologize for not keeping the promise
b. Remind Farid that he has a promise with him
c. Tell Faris that he has to go to the meeting
d. Say that he cannor meet him in the office
38. According to the text, we know that ….
a. Farid is busy
b. Farid is having a toothache
c. Dad is having toothache
d. Dad is a businessman
Teks Soal Short Message 18
To: Ryan
Buddy, I’ve just received news from Herdy. This afternoon Mrs Ida wants us to finish our projects at school. Please don’t come late. Our group presentation must be good next week!
Kepada: Ryan
Sobat, saya baru saja menerima berita dari Herdy. Siang ini Bu Ida ingin kita menyelesaikan proyek kita di sekolah. Tolong jangan datang terlambat. Presentasi grup kita harus baik minggu depan!
39. Why did the writer ask Ryan to come to school?
a. To finish their project.
b. To meet his teacher.
c. To receive Herdy’s present.
d. To ask for his buddy’s friend.
40. What is the relationship between Ryan and the writer?
a. Brothers.
b. Relatives.
c. Roommates.
d. Classmates.
Teks Soal Short Message 19
I just got a bad news. As you know Nita’s father is hospitalized. He passed away last night. Please forward this message to our friends.
Saya baru saja mendapat kabar buruk. Seperti yang Anda ketahui, ayah Nita dirawat di rumah sakit. Dia meninggal tadi malam. Silakan teruskan pesan ini ke teman-teman kita.
41. Who just passed away?
a. Jack’s father.
b. Bram’s friend.
c. Nita’s father.
d. Writer’s father
42. “As you know Nita’s father is hospitalized.” The word “you” refers to … .
a. Jack
b. Bram
c. Reader
d. Nita’s father
Teks Soal Short Message 20
To : Donny (chair person of 9 B)
Please forward to others. Due to the long holiday, all students must complete their writing assignment. The assignment must be submitted not later than January, 11
Kepada: Donny (ketua kelas 9 B)
Mohon diteruskan ke yang lainnya. Karena liburan panjang, semua siswa harus menyelesaikan tugas menulis mereka. Tugas harus diserahkan selambat-lambatnya 11 Januari
43. Why are the students required to submit their writing assignment?
a. It is one of the requirements
b. There will be writing contest
c. There will be a long vacation
d. It is to accomplish their assignment
44 When should students submit their works?
a. A week later
b. After the holiday
c. Before January,11
d. Before January, 12
Teks Soal Short Message 21
To : Devon
I am going to the dental clinic. I have a toothache. When you arrive home and if Mrs. Randy asks about her dress, please tell her that I’ve not finished sewing yet. She may fetch her dress tomorrow. Thank you.
Kepada: Devon
Ibu pergi ke klinik gigi. Ibu lagi sakit gigi. Kalau kamu tiba di rumah dan jika Bu. Randy bertanya tentang bajunya, beri tahu dia bahwa Ibu belum selesai menjahitnya. Mungkin selesai besok. Terima kasih.
45. What does Devon’s mother do?
a. She is a tailoress
b. She is a seller
c. She is a dentist
d. She is a hair dresser
46. What is Devon’s mother doing at the moment?
a. She is sewing a dress
b. She is fetching her dress
c. She is going to a dental clinic
d. She is visiting a patient
Teks Soal Short Message 22
For Bambita
I heard a good news if yesterday you achieved the first position on story telling competition. Congratulations for your achievement, I really proud of you! I will come to your house tomorrow evening. I need celebrate your victory with small party. Please tell your fahther and your mother if I will come tomorrow.
Untuk Bambita
Saya mendengar kabar jika kamu mendapat juara pertama dalam kompetisi bercerita. Selamat atas pencapaiannya, saya sangat bangga dengan! Saya akan datang ke rumah besok malam. Saya perlu merayakan prestasi ini dengan pesta kecil kecilan. Tolong beritahuayaj dan ibumu jika saya akan datang besok.
47. What competition did Bambita win?
a. a story telling.
b. a hard competition
c. an easy competition
d. writing a story
48. Who’s say congratulation to Bambita?
a. Rhye.
b. her father
c. her mother
d. her competitor
49. When Rhye will come to Bambita’s house?
a. tomorrow morning.
b. tomorrow evening.
c. the day after tomorrow
d. the day before tomorrow
50. Where the small party will be held?
a. Rhye’s house
b. Bambita’s house.
c. hall
d. park
51. How about Rhye’s fell for Bambita’s acvievement?
a. happy
b. sad
c. disappointed
d. angry
Teks Soal Short Message 23
Dear My Lovely Son, Agus
I am sorry I go earlier because I must attend a meeting with a clien this morning. So, could you please help me for shop after your school, My Son?
If you can, here is what you need to buy:
– Spaghetty 3 packs
– Chili sauce 2 bottle
– Milk 2 carton
– Tomato sauce 2 bottle
– Olive oil 1 bottle (1 liter)
– Cheese 3 blocks
Please take money in my wallet, in the dresser. Thank you, My Lovely Son.
With love, Mom.
Putra Ibu, Agus
Ibu minta maaf harus pergi lebih awal karena Ibu harus menghadiri pertemuan dengan seorang klien pagi ini. Jadi, bisakah kamu membantu Ibu untuk berbelanja setelah sekolah?
Jika Anda bisa, inilah yang perlu Anda beli:
– Paket Spaghetty 3
– Saus cabai 2 botol
– Susu 2 karton
– Saus tomat 2 botol
– Minyak zaitun 1 botol (1 liter)
– Keju 3 blok
Tolong ambil uang di dompet Ibu, di lemari. Terima kasih, Putra Ibu yang bagus.
Penuh cinta, Ibu.
52. Who is write the short message?
a. Agus’s Mom
b. Agus’s father
c. Agus’s friend
d. Agus’s neighbour
53. What must Agus do after his school?
a. buying what his mom need
b. cooking in the kitchen
c. washing clothes
d. selling kitchen sets
54. Why Han’s mom go earlier?
a. attending a meeting with a clien.
b. finishing report
c. going to doctor
d. making appointment
55. Where is Agus must take money for buying some material?
a. mother’s wallet.
b. father’s wallet
c. Agus’s wallet
d. Agus’s friend
Begitulah contoh soal short message baahsa Inggris untuk kelas 8 SMP dan MTs. Disebut sebagi teks fungsional karena jenis teks ini memang sering sekali dipakai dalam kehidupan sehari hari. Ketika kita menggunaka SMS, WhatsApp, Line dan layanan pesan digital lainnya, sebenarnya kita sudah mengaplikasikan penggunaan jenis teks short message ini. Happy learning English!