English Admin - Learning English Online
Example of Hortatory Exposition Text: Removing Lead from Petrol
In all the discussion over the removal of lead from petrol (and the atmosphere) there doesn’t seem to have been any mention of the difference between driving in the city and the country. While I realize my leaded petrol...
Animal of Tyrannosaurus Rex – Example of Report Text

Learning English report text need some background knowledge prepared before reading an example of report text. The knowledge needed related to some grammatical usage such as Simple Past Tense, Passive Voice, and some technical term of vocabularies. As my...
TELEVISION: Example of Report Text and Generic Structure

Example of report text can be in many various topics such as about animal, plant, behaviour, natural and social phenomena, or digital products. Today we are learning a factual report about television. This short objective essay describe what television...
Short Conversation – Making Suggestion and Advice

English Admin – short conversation of making and suggestion and advice in English. This topic is given for high school students who learn English in classroom. They learn English through text types based approach. As transactional communication, this speaking...
Expressing Surprised in English

English Admin – Ungkapan Terkejut dalam bahasa Inggris. How to express surprise in English? Inilah pembahasan materi sepeaking English kita kali ini. Ungkapan terkejut biasanya karena adanya 3 situasi berikut: 1. Surprised 2. Shocked 3. Disbelieved Ketiga macam situasi...
Example of Descriptive Text about Thing – Borobudur Temple

English Admin learning English Online – Now we have an example of descriptive text about a thing. Today the topic is Borobudur Temple. As we have stated in the definition of descriptive text that this kind of writing can...