Soal Asking Attention Understand Opinion Appreciation dan Jawaban

Kali ini berlatih soal bahasa inggris kelas 8 chapter 1 beserta jawabannya tentang asking attention, checking understand, asking giving Opinions, and giving appreciation. Dalam contoh ini pertanyaan berupa soal pilihan ganda asking for attention, dan juga contoh soal dan jawaban checking understanding. Tak lupa juga diberikan soal asking and giving opinion dan dilengkapi beberapa contoh untuk latihan asking and giving appreciation. Kesemua topik pembelajaran bahasa Inggris di SMP ini menitikberatkan pada peningkatan skill speaking.

Hal pertama dalam meminta perhatian tentu saja diawali dengan ungkapan yang dimaksudkan sebagai expressions of asking attention. Dalam ungkapan asking for attention ini bisa diucapkan dengan kata “Attention Please!” atau dengan cara lain yang menunjukkan maksud sebagai expression of asking for attention. Setelah itu pembelajaran akan berlanjut pada beberapa tata cara berbicara bahasa Inggris dengan maksud expression of showing attention. Contoh sederhana dalam showing attention bisa dengan hanya menjawab “Yes” dalam responding attention. Untuk itu dalam berlatih soal asking for attention checking understanding, akn lebih comprehensive kalau kita juga belajar dialog asking for attention pendek yang sudah diberikan sebelumnya.

Kumpulan 22 Contoh Soal Asking Attention Understand Opinions and Appreciation Lengkap dengan Jawabannya

Berikut ini akan diberikan bahan untuk berlatih soal asking for attention berupa dialog yang biasanya disajikan di kelas 8 dan juga tema soal asking and giving opinion, juga soal tentang understanding, dan dilengkapi tema soal pilihan ganda showing appreciation.

Dalam mengerjakan sebuah test, soal tema attention ini juga kada diberikan ilustrai gambar agar soal semakin jelas, contohnya:

What kind of expression is this: “Attention please?”
a. giving attention
b. asking for attention
c. giving prohibition
d. giving suggestion

Jawaban pada contoh soal bergambar diaats tentu saja adalah yang (b). Berikut ini adalah berbagai macam soal tema ini>

Soal 1
These are ‘asking for attention’ expression, except:
a. Attention please?
b. Hello?
c. I suggest you to …
d. Are you ready to study?

Soal 2
Giving appreciation is for …
a. praise someon
b. saying happy birthday
c. giving attention
d. giving suggestion

Soal 3
Wati : You look cute with your new hair cut.
Iwan: Thank you for saying so.

What does Wati mean?
a. She congratulates Iwan.
b. She compliments Iwan
c. She does not like Iwan’s new hair cut.
d. She wants to have a new hair cut.

Soal 4
Mrs En: Congratulations on winning the Physics Olympiad.
Sitana : ………

What will Sitana probably say?
a. Thank you
b. agree with you.
c. I don’t think so.
d. That’s not true.

Soal 5
Edo : I think all animals in the zoo should be locked up in cages.
Woman : I don’t think so.

What does the woaman mean?
a. She agrees with the man’s opinion.
b. She disagrees with the man’s opinion.
c. She thinks that all animals should be locked up in cages.
d. She thinks that all animals should have cages.

Soal 6
Ando : What do you think about our new teacher?
Wita : I think he is very talkactive

What does Wita mean?
a. She thinks that their new teacher is very active.
b. She thinks that their new teacher is very attractive.
c. She thinks that their new teacher needs to talk much.
d. She thinks that their new teacher talks too much.

Soal 7
Mr. Budi : . . . . Are we all ready to learn English?
Students : Yes, Ma’am
a. Do you understand
b. I think so
c. What do you think
d. Attention, please

Soal 8
Mr. Budi : What about you, Natasha? . . . . if we use English in our English class?
Natasha : Yes, we will use English in our English class
a. Do you understand
b. I think so
c. What do you think
d. Attention, please

Soal 9
Rama : Your picture is . . . . ! I like the colour.
Neta : Thanks
a. Bad
b. Beautiful
c. Horrible
d. Mad

Soal 10
Mr. Budi : . . . . ?
Student : Yes, Sir
a. Do you know what I mean?
b. Do you think
c. You don’t understand
d. Don’t you remember

Soal 11
Student : . . . . What is ‘attention’ in Bahasa Indonesia?
Mr. Budi: Attention is “perhatian”
a. sorry
b. yes, please
c. Excuse me
d. really

Soal 12
Teacher: Do you understand?
Students: Yes, sir!

What kind of expression that teacher gives?
a. asking for attention
b. checking understanding
c. asking for suggestion
d. giving opinion

Soal 13
Susan: Toni, do you understand with this subject?
Toni: Not really. Can you help me with that?

What kind of expression that Susan gives?
a. giving instruction
b. giving appreciation
c. checking understanding
d. asking for attention

Soal 14
Juli: Woa, what a beautiful dress today, Maureen!
Mirna: Thank you

What kind of expression does Juli gives?
a. giving appreciation
b. giving suggestion
c. asking for appreciation
d. asking for suggestion

Soal 15
Mr. Edo : Attention, please! Are you ready to learn English now?
Student : Yes, Sir.

The underline word “Attention, please!” above means…
a. Perhelatan
b. Perhatikan
c. Pelajarilah
d. Pastikanlah

Soal 16
Ida: What a beautiful
Mia: Thanks.
Ida: Can I borrow it?
Mia: Here it is.

The word “beautiful” is opposite with …
a. Nice
b. Awesome
c. Good
d. Bad

Dialog Soal 17 – 18
Rada : Do you understand the homework?
Cindy : No, I don’t. How about you? Do you understand the homework?
Rada : Yes, I do.

Soal 17
Does Rada understand the homework?
a. Yes, she do.
b. No, she don’t.
c. Yes, she does.
d. No, she doesn’t.

Soal 18
Does Cindy understand the homework?
a. Yes, she do.
b. No, she don’t.
c Yes, she does.
d. No, she doesn’t.

Dialog Soal 19 – 20
Reza : What do you think about my new hairstyle? Am I beautiful with it?
Fami : I think you are beautiful with it.
Reza : And you are so beautiful too, Fami.
Fami : Thanks my twin.

Soal 19
The words “What do you think about my new hairstyle?” are the expression of …
a. Asking opinion
b. Showing appreciation
c. Giving opinion
d. Giving invitation

Soal 20
The words “I think you are beautiful with it.” are the expression of…
a. Asking opinion
b. Showing appreciation
c. Giving opinion
d. Giving invitation

Dialog Soal 21 – 22
Budi: (21) ….. of my short story?
Tomi: I think it is awesome. How about mine? Is it bad or good?
Budi: I think it is an excellent short story.
Tomi: (22) ….. I think it is bad because I don’t write it seriously.

a. What do you thing
b. How do you thing
c. What do you think
d. Who do you think

a. Yes, I agree.
b. I don’t think so
c. Exactly right.
d. I think so.

Begitulah contoh soal bahasa Inggris tentang attention understanding opinion dan appreciation beserta jawabannya. Untuk memahmi semua soal soal tersebut alangkah baiknya didahyluidengan pembelajaran contoh dialog lack of understanding dan checking understanding and response dan juga materi dialog attention.Happy learning English!

Soal Asking Attention Understand Opinion Appreciation dan Jawaban | englishadmin | 4.5