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Latihan Soal Listening Part III Describing Picture
Mari berlatih contoh soal describing picture untuk belajar listening unbk bahasa inggris. Dalam contoh soal picture ini sudah banyak diberikan pada beberapa aplikasi listening unbk yang bisa dengan mudah kita dapatkan di smarphone kita. Perlu diketahui model dan contoh soal listening ini adalah bagian yang ke 3 pada listening section un terutama untuk ujian listening section un sma. Ada sedikit perbedaan antara listening section about picture SMA dan SMK. Kalau soal listening un smk pada gambar diberikan pada type ke 1 dan tidak berbentuk monolog hanya berupa beberapa kalimat sebagai alternative jawaban dan biasanya diawali dengan frase let’s begin with question number one.
Sementara itu soal listening bahasa inggris sma dalam bentuk gambar ini bersifat menggambarkan makany a berbentuk monolog yang agak panjang. bisa berbentuk contoh soal listening announcement yang menjadi bagian dari materi dan contoh soal listening bahasa inggris kelas xi.
Hal demikian juga sama dengan type contoh soal listening question and response ayng kalau di SMA berbentuk incomplete dialog. Kalau yang dicari adalah contoh soal listening bahasa inggris smk dan jawabannya maka dalam latiahan ini jawabannya harus dicari sendiri. Namanya juga latihan online unbk SMK dan juga SMA.
Sebelumnya perlu diketahui bahwa soal listening bahasa Inggris untuk SMA dan MA ini terdiri dari 4 bagian sebagaiamana berikut:
Part I Dialogues and Questions. Bagian pertama bisa kita pelajari lebih lanjut DISINI yang berupa percakapan pendek dan diikuti dengan sebuah pertanyaan.
Part II Incomplete Dialogues and Responses. Bagian kedua ini lebih lengkap bisa dilatih DISINI yang berisi sebuah percakapan yang tidak lengkap dan kita diminta mendengarkan dialog lanjutannya yang cocok.
Part III Monologues Describing Picture. Bagian ketiga inilah yang sedang kita pelajari INI yang berupa sebuah monolog agak panjang yang mendeskripsikan suatu objek. Kita diminta memilih gambar yang cocok.
Part IV Monologues and Questions. Bagian terakhir dari soal listening ini berupa monolog panjang dan diikuti 2 buah pertanyaan yang harus kita dengarkan. Lebih lanjut, pelajari DISINI
Latihan Soal Listening Describing Picture dengan Transcript
This man works in a big hotel. He is a highly trained and skilled professional who is proficient in all aspects of food preparation of a particular cuisine. He is also a head of a kitchen. As a professional, he can receive both formal training from an institution, as well as through apprenticeship with an experienced chef.
Which picture goes with the monologue?
An eclipse Of the moon occurs when earth is located directly between the sun and the moon. This means that the hemisphere of the moon that is facing earth. The near side is covered fully by the shadow of the earth. Across the face of the moon.
Which picture goes with the monologue?
This man is of medium or normal heights. He is well built and muscular. He has short straight black hair. He has a beard and mustache. He is good looking and handsome.
Which picture best describes the monologue?
This thing is a computerized bracelets. Early models could perform basic tasks such as calculations translations Now it functions as portable media players with speaker FM radio and playback of digital or audio and video files via Bluetooth or USB headsets.
Which pitcher goes with the monologue?
Lead glass, commonly called "crystal", is a variety of glass in which lead replaces the calcium content of a typical potash glass. Lead glass contains typically 18–40 weight% lead(II) oxide (PbO), while modern lead crystal, historically also known as flint glass due to the original silica source, contains a minimum of 24% PbO. Lead glass is desirable owing to its decorative properties.
Originally discovered by Englishman George Ravenscroft in 1674, the technique of adding lead oxide (in quantities of between 10 and 30%) improved the appearance of the glass and made it easier to melt using sea-coal as a furnace fuel. This technique also increased the "working period" making the glass easier to manipulate.
Which picture goes with the monologue?
Patenggang Lake (Indonesian: Situ Patenggang) is a lake located in the area of natural tourist attractions in the southern Bandung city, West Java, Indonesia, to be exact it is in Ciwidey village. Located at an altitude of 1600 meters above sea level, this lake has a very exotic landscape.
Originally, this lake is called Situ Patengan by the local society. Since the pronunciation of patengan is too difficult to say in Sundanese, then they call it Situ Patenggang or Patenggang Lake.
The label/name of the lake in maps.google.com is Situ Penganten which Penganten means newlywed couple.
Which picture goes with the monologue?
This natural disaster is a form of mass wasting that includes a wide range of ground movements, such as rock falls, deep failure of slopes, and shallow debris flows. It can occur in underwater, called a submarine landslide, coastal and onshore environments. Although the action of gravity is the primary driving force for a landslide to occur, there are other contributing factors affecting the original slope stability. Typically, pre-conditional factors build up specific sub-surface conditions that make the area/slope prone to failure, whereas the actual landslip often requires a trigger before being released. The phenomena should not be confused with mud flows, a form of mass wasting involving very to extremely rapid flow of debris that has become partially or fully liquefied by the addition of significant amounts of water to the source material.
Which picture goes with the monologue?
This Archaeological site is rated among the most important of the Maya culture and covers an area Of approximately six square miles where hundreds Of buildings once stood now mostar mountains but about thirty may still be seen by tourists. Dominating the north platform of Chichen Itza is the temple of cool cool kind usually referred to as L. Casteel the castle. This step pyramid stands about thirty meters high and consists Of a series of nine square terraces.
What is being described in the monologue?
Ada banyak siteus penyedia download listening bahasa inggris dan teksnya. Jenis latiahn ini juga mirip dengan yang didownload listening section toefl, download soal listening bahasa inggris smk, download soal listening smp kelas 9, tak lupa juga disertai dengan pembahasan un bahasa inggris smk begitupula dengan bermacam macam soal prediksi unbk bahasa inggris smk khususnya listening section.
Tidak hanya soal listening bahasa inggris smk un dan pembahasannya yang diberikan dalam latiahn ini juga bisa dibuat latiahn listening SMA, TOEFL, atau TOEIC. Tidak semua memang soal listening picture bahasa inggris smk sama persisi dengan soal listening un bahasa inggris SMA. Namun soal un bahasa inggris smk tidak serta merta BERBEDA dengan soal unbk bahasa inggris SMA. Secara materi agak sama tetapi model dan kemasannya yang dibuat berbeda.
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Latihan Soal Listening Part III Describing Picture |
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