Soal Pilihan Ganda Descriptive Text tentang Animal Kelas 7 beserta Jawaban

Beberapa contoh soal pilihan ganda bahasa inggris tentang animal berikut untuk melengkapi soal dercriptive tentang orang sebelumnya. Kumpulan soal bahasa inggris tentang animal ini disusun dari berbagai sumber sebagai bank soal kelas 7 SMP dan MTs ketika mereka mempelajari jenis teks bahasa Inggris, khususnya materi descriptive text about animal. Sebagaimana telah sampaikan bahwa contoh descriptive text itu bisa berkenaan dengan gambaran seseorang, binatang, benda, acara, dan juga tempat wisata. Materi dan soal descriptive text tentang tempat wisata biasanya diberikan untuk siswa siswi SMA dan MA.

Bagi yang sedang mencari kumpulan contoh soal descriptive text animal essay dan juga sekaligus contoh descriptive text animal beserta soal dan jawaban, maka latihan kali ini cukup bagus dibuat sebagai contoh soal dan latihan soal baik tingkat Lots, Mots, atau soal Hots. Beberapa contoh soal descriptive text animal ini berkenaan dengan gambaran tentang hewan peliharaan, atau bisanya disebut pet. Hal ini bisa dimaklumi karena soal descriptive text animal smp ini berangkat dari pengertian bahwa descritive text itu didefiniskan sebagai teks yang menggambarkan suatu objek tertentu. Dengan begitu hampir semua contoh soal pilihan ganda descriptive text animal berhubungan dengan jenis jenis hewan yang dekat dengan manusia, misalnya kucing, kelinci, atau hewan tertentu yang dilihan di dalam sebuh kebun binatang.

Kumpulan Soal Descriptive Text Kelas 7 tentang Hewan dan Jawabannya

Meskipun contoh soal descriptive text tentang animal berikut ini disertakan juga jawabannya, namun masih perlu sekali untuk mengecek dan memikirkan ulang kebenaran dari jawaban tersebut. Jawaban dari contoh soal descriptive text animal SMP dan MTs ini akan dicetak tebal untuk memudahkan dalam pengecekan berlatih mengerjakan soal ini.
soal descriptive text kelas 7 tentang hewan dan jawaban

Descriptive Text about Animal 1

Most people in the world have a pet. I also have it. My pet is a dog, named Dimo. Its color is brown. It has brown eyes, too. I got this pet from my friend at the beginning of 2009. He bought it from a pet shop in this country. Once a week, my mother bathes him. He is funny and smart. It often plays with my neighbor’s dog. I love him very much because he can be my friend, too.

1. Dimo’s eyes are ….
A. Black
B. White
C. Brown
D. Dark brown

2. The writer got the pet from ….
A. His neighbor
B. A pet shop
C. His friend
D. His mother

3. What is the text about?
A. My lovely dog
B. My best friend
C. My pet shop
D. His mother

Descriptive Text about Animal 2

I have a pet. It is a dog and I call it Snowy. Snowy is a Chinese breed. It is small, fluffy and cute. It has thick white fur. When I cuddle it, the fur feels soft. Snowy does not like bones. Everyday it eats soft food like steamed rice, fish or bread. Every morning I give her milk and bread. When I am at school, Snowy plays with my cat. They get along well and never fight; maybe because Snowy does not bark a lot. It treats the other animals in our house gently, and it never bites shoes.
We always spend time together at home. We do many activities: playing balls, hide and seek, or racing in the backyard. In the afternoon, I usually take him for a walk. People love to see Snowy. Snowy is really a sweet and friendly pet.

4. What is the topic of the story?
A. A friendship between a cat and a dog
B. Spending time with a pet inside and outside the house
C. A friendly and sweet dog
D. A friendship between a pet and its owner

5. The main topic of paragraph two is ….
A. The writer’s activities with his/her pet
B. Everybody loves to walk with Snowy
C. Snowy is a cute and friendly dog
D. Snowy always plays with the cat

6. Where does the writer usually spend the time with his pet?
A. In the neighborhood
B. On the street
C. At school
D. At home

7. What activity does the writer do after school with his pet?
A. Cuddle it softly
B. Take it for a walk
C. Give it milk
D. Let it play with the cat

Descriptive Text about Animal 3

I’m used to having pets at home because my family is pet lovers. I have kept two turtles since February 2003. I put them all in one tank in my room.
The name of the male turtle is Donatello and the female one is called Rafael It is quite easy to keep them. They can survive without food for about two months. However, they need a comfortable place to live. They have to live with imported soil and plants, good water circulation and a piece of dry trunk in the aquarium. Inadequate conditions can cause not only stress but also affect their growth. The worst thing is they may even end in their death!
The weapon of an adult turtle lies in its edge of the shell. He will use this weapon when he is disturbed while he is taking a nap.

8. Why is it dangerous to touch the edge of the turtle’s shell when he is having his nap?
A. because the turtle might infect you with a certain disease
B. because it is the location of a turtle’s weapon
C. because it can cause stress to the turtle
D. because it will kill the turtle

9. “Inadequate conditions can cause not only stress but also affect their growth.” (paragraph 2) The word “Inadequate” can be best replaced by …
A. insufficient
B. indiscipline
C. ineffective
D. inedible

10. What is the purpose of the text above ?
A. To tell the readers that the writer’s family is pet lovers
B. To describe the writer’s turtles to the readers
C. To persuade the readers to keep turtles as a pet
D. To show the advantages of keeping turtles

Descriptive Text about Animal 4

I have some pets. However, my favourite pet is Timmy.
Timmy is a male tabby cat. He is very adorable with his soft stripes fur. He has innocent round eyes and feeble sweet voice. He always meows when I come home, he usually give me a kiss.
Timmy is a nice playmate. I’m so happy to spend my time with him. Most of the time, he’s a good cat. It’s almost impossible for me to be angry at him. In the morning, he always wakes up early. When he wakes up earlier, he waits quality by my bedside until I wake up.

11. When does Timmy usually give a kiss to the writer? When the writer …
A. fells hungry
B. goes to sleep
C. comes home
D. wakes up

12. Why is the writer almost impossible to be angry at his cat? Because …
A. It has innocent round eyes
B. Most of the time, it is a good cat
C. It gives the writer kiss
D. It always wakes up early

13. The second paragraph tell about …
A. Characteristic
B. Habitat
C. Food
D. Behavior

14. What is the purpose of the text about?
A. To entertain the reader
B. To describe something
C. To tell how to make something
D. To tell how to care for cats

Descriptive Text about Animal 5

This giraffe is the tallest animal, I saw in Ragunan zoo. It is a male. It is about six meter tall. It has big brown eyes. It has brown spots on its skin. It also has two short horns on its head. Its tail is long with thick hair on the top of the tail. It likes eating leaves of tree.

15. The purpose of the text above is….
A. to describe about giraffe
B. to tell about tall animal
C. to describe Ragunan zoo
D. to tell about tall animals

16. How the eyes of the giraffe look like?
A. They are big and black
B. They are big and brown
C. They are small and brown
D. They are small and black

17. “Its tail is long with thick hair…” The antonym of the word “long” is….
A. beauty
B. strong
C. short
D. thin

Descriptive Text about Animal 6

When I went to the Surabaya zoo, I saw an owl. This owl is unique and amazing bird. It is a heavy bird and has a large head and an oval face. The owl has round eyes. Its eyes are large and are locked in the skull. It means the eyes cannot rotate independently. They are typically solitary. Though the owl is typically solitary, it also lives in a group. The owl hunts mostly small mammals, insects and other birds.

18. What is the purpose of the text? It is to …
A. show the steps to catch an owl
B. entertain the reader about the owl’s head
C. describe specific animal namely an owl in the zoo
D. tell the story about an owl that spreading in the society

19. What is owl’s food?
A. Flower
B. Insects
C. plant
D. big mammals

20. ‘It’ is a heavy bird and has large heads.” The word ‘IT’ refers to …
A. bird
B. Owl
C. Eyes
D. head

21. Why do the eyes of owl cannot rotate independently?
A. the eyes are large
B. the eyes cannot see in the darkness
C. the eyes are locked in the skull
D. the eyes are too small

22. They are typically ‘solitary’. The word ‘Solitary’ means …
A. collective
B. Variety
C. Social
D. alone

23. According to the text, a group of owls is called …
A. Uncommon
B. Gang
C. Solitary
D. parliament

Begitulah kumpulan soal descriptive text animal smp kelas 7 ini. Sebagai bahan latihan, soal pilihan ganda descriptive text animal ini mungkin lebih berguna kalau digunakan secara terus menerus untuk berlatih membaca bacaan jenis teks, khususnya teks deskripsi. Semua descriptive text about animal dan soalnya seperti diatas hanyalah sebagai contoh bagaimana pertanyaan bacaan deskripsi itu diberikan. Seperti diketahui bersama contoh soal descriptive text tentang hewan diatas, kalau diperhatiakan dengan seksama, hanya berkisar beberapa hal. Hampir semua contoh soal descriptive text tentang hewan peliharaan diatas ditulis untuk menanyakan tentang topik bacaan, ide pokok, informasi tertentu, informasi detil baik tersurata atau tersirat, pertanyaan makna kata baik sinonim atau antonim, juga pertanyaan rujukan kata yang biasanya kata ganti it, he, she, they, we, dan lainnya. levih jauh tentang pertanyaan bacan bisa mempelajari jenis pertanyaan bahasa Inggris.

Meskipun soal pilihan ganda descriptive text tentang hewan diatas diberikan jawabannya juga, tetapi para siswa tidak menerima begitu saja jawaban yang diberikan dari soal descriptive text kelas 7 pilihan ganda. Soal multiple choice ini juga bisa dibuat untuk berlatih berbabagi contoh soal descriptive text essay. Hampir semua contoh soal descriptive text essay tentang hewan sebenaranya tidak jauh berbeda dengan pertanyaan pilihan ganda. Happy learning English!

Soal Pilihan Ganda Descriptive Text tentang Animal Kelas 7 beserta Jawaban | englishadmin | 4.5